I looked into documenting the inventory of some minifigs I have around. So far, the sequence of steps seems to be :
1) Create new items for new heads/torsos/whatever not found in dialog
2) Wait for a catalog admin to approve the existence of these parts
3) Submit own photos and other information for the newly created parts
4) Submit minifig inventories that include the new parts
5) Admin finally approves the inventories
But is there a way to skip step 2), so an admin can rather approve the whole deal? I find it strange to create parts "hanging in the air" without even a picture, pending admin approval just for the name basically.
What is missing is the inventory of the minifigs themselves (head, torso, etc.). The parts making up the minifigs don't exist in the catalog yet.
I can take photos for the uncatalogued parts, but I'm not sure how best to proceed here. Thanks.
EDIT: Okay, some parts do exist in the catalog, let me check what's really missing.
An observation: parts with variations appear multiple times in the inventory of minifigs:
I assume the inclusion of mold variations was automatic (I didn't give it 2 heads), but the inventory edit page doesn't let us change the relevant "Alternate Link IDs" which are all zeroes. Should it also be automatic?
Same issue with:
Just submitted inventory for Captain J.Fuller (so you know that one is done), it's not that complicated, just open 2 windows, one to edit the fig, one to look at the parts in the inventory and select them to copy the BOID, then in the edit page for the minifig, click add, paste the BOID in the search box and click the image and it will be added in the inventory, then you select the color and you can move to the next item. The annoyance there is that one need to close each time the top bar (where you search the part), press 'add' again to open it again select the next part and so on. Submitting an inventory should be easier by having a field where one can enter the BOID (or partnummer) one after another... The way it is now is rather a slow method.