Where are my Store Carts?

Maybe this is a known issue or I am being silly but I just noticed that the 6 store carts I have items in will not show when I view the site on my android smartphone (using Chrome) or on my Chromebook. I just get a message saying "You don't currently have any items in any stores", which is not the case. But I can see all the carts just fine on my Windows PC.

Anyone else getting the same thing?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It has happened to me, but as soon as I open up one of the stores that I know where I have an open cart, it will then load all the others too on another device. So just open one of the store, where you know that you have items in a cart and then you can load all the other carts too, when you check your store carts.
  • Hadn't thought of trying that, nice one, thank you.
  • edited January 14 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Did that fix the issue? I was going to suggest logging out and back in. Maybe I need to look at how this works.
  • Thanks to @P6tu I understand what was going on now. I've put a line of code into the user/carts page so when you visit that page, it will properly load the carts up, so you won't see that error about no carts anymore.
  • Brilliant thanks Lawrence, all working now
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