I have just had the following message from OwlSupp6 - who has been a member for less than 15 minutes:
Dear Seller
Greetings from Brick Owl support team. We hope this message caught you in good health.
We would like to inform you that our site, due to an update, has to ask you to verify your account to avoid account lockout
As soon as you pass the verification stage, your account will be reinstated again.
Please note that if you do not verify your identity as a real seller, your account may be blocked.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
In order to start the verification process, you need to copy the link below and paste it into your device browser.
https://b r i c k owl.offer744.icu/1AQoMJ7gJw
Thank you for your prompt cooperation.
Best regards
Brick Owl support
(I put the spaces in the link to stop it working)
Please be aware of this as I am pretty sure it is a scam!
Any other address that just contains the word brickowl or some alias like BO or something and has some other ending like brickowl.rrr or brickowl.sup or brickowl.legolnd.com or what ever, that is NOT brickowl . Lawrence may correct me, if there are some actual aliases and if BrickOwl has some other network domains parked (redirected to brickowl.com), but according to my knowledge, there aren't any.
TL;DR - that offer744 domain is definitely some shady thing and not any way related to brickowl.