Make Marketplace Payment invoice available sooner

Would it be possible to get the Marketplace Payment invoice available sooner? I get the notification it will be collected from my bank account first, then it's collected and I have to keep coming back to the Order billing page to see if the invoice is available.

I understand the invoice is added to the Order billing page as soon as the payment is processed, but the payment is not actually reflected on the invoice. Perhaps the invoice can be send by email as soon as the collection has been set into motion?
This would also allow automated processing of the invoice.

Curious to see if this would be possible.

Kind regards,


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think unfortunately we can't do this. We create the invoice in the system once the payment is 'confirmed'. This can sometimes take a week or two. It is not uncommon for a payment to be submitted, but then not get to the confirmed status, because of various bank reasons. So we would then have to delete an invoice that has already been issued which would cause some further problems.
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