Motor question

Is there anyway to get a motor to spin opposite. I do have a switch and 2 out of the 3 motors spin correctly. Not enough room to flip sides. I thought about cutting the wires and flipping them around. Last picture minus exact placement is the location it goes. Ideally I'd like all to move correctly and not have it unplugged. Can do a video if needed. Or any option is greatly appreciated. For conveyor coming off side.


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think you can do that with a LEGO Power Functions Control Switch (15296 / 16517)
  • Got one of those gonna try something else. Got an idea.
  • Yeah, control switch would be the easiest way. But noticing that those are some knock off things, then you could cut the cable too... Originally the two wires in the middle are used and the ones on the sides are just cut. At least in L motors. On the picture you have an XL motor... Maybe there is something differently there, but I doubt it.
  • I got it figured out. Put 2 motors on the battery first then the switch with the 3rd motor. Now my only problem is it had lights. Went to turn room lights off to see and now nothing. It's been a work in progress.
  • How are those lights connected?
    Battery box -> switch -> lights ?
  • Hi this may be the part you are looking for, for the lights. I am not 100% sure but I know someone here let us know.
  • @Neiljones , yep, those are the light that he is using... If I understood correctly, then the problem is that the lights are not working. In order to figure that out, it is necessary to know, how are they intended to be connected.

    @slpwlker , is it supposed to be some sort of Lego sorter, or what is it?
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