Footer line below outstanding orders changed

Don't know when it happened (and why) but the footer line below the outstanding orders changed.
It now reads (actual numbers replaced by x)
x orders containing xx Items in xx Lots. € xx,xx including € xx,xx shipping and € x,xx of coupon discounts.

Before it mentioned what the orders total (excluding shipping) was. And that is a number I am interested in.
Now I have tot 'calculate' it myself (total - shipping), while shipping does not interest me that much, but the order total itself does.

Please change it back to what is was, or at least mention the order total (excluding shipping) as well.
Not sure how the discount should be calculated in to it, we don't do coupons so no experience there.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Something like this?

    x orders containing xx items in xx lots for € xx,xx with € xx,xx shipping and € -x,xx of coupon discounts totaling € xx,xx.

    Also would be nice for it to change dynamically when selecting a few orders to add the word selected at the starts.

    Selected x orders containing xx items in xx lots for € xx,xx with € xx,xx shipping and € -x,xx of coupon discounts totaling € xx,xx.
  • Something like that would be nice :)

    If it could be calculated for selected even nicer. But for us it wouldn't be necessary.
  • I've now changed that again. The idea was to make it easier for translation but I understand I also made it less helpful for that usecase.
  • :smile: Thank you.
    As it is now, simple but effective, I like it :)

    Have a great Christmas
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