Strange new grey look + Full-width mode

Is it possible to switch off in default the new gray look of BO? In our opinion, it doesn't look good and the first customer has already told us so...
The best solution would probably be to be able to manually activate it in the settings if some of the users want to.
We would also prefer in default set the website to Full-width mode - it looks more modern then the old normal width. We think, that a lot of users do not know about option to change it and Full-width mode feels better for guests and new customers...

What other sellers think about this? 👀


  • 12 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I must admit, I do not like the new look.
  • Noticed it and went to check on my phone in case it was a browser issue as it doesn't match the rest of the site UI.

    @Lawrence maybe you changed something by mistake?
  • Oh, it’s dark mode. It should only be displaying if your browser is set to dark mode. Is it displaying even without dark mode being set on the device?

    I do agree it’s ugly. But I thought that was the point.
  • I also thought I had a browser issue.
    I've just adjusted to light mode in settings and all is fine now.
  • I'm afraid if you want to change colours based on dark mode you would have to change all the whites to dark and all the darks to light, not just some of them, but I don't know of any there websites that adjust there scheme based on browser settings like that.
  • edited December 2024 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Okay, it would be helpful to clarify the feedback into maybe one of the below. I don't use dark mode, so it would be good to understand more.

    1) The dark mode isn't dark enough / The dark mode is ugly, if a designer designed it, it would be fine
    2) I don't want the website to be dark mode, even though the browser/device is in dark mode.
    3) Something else
  • edited December 2024 Vote Up0Vote Down
    I would expect to let me decide with a toggle under the top right menu. So option 2. not by default.

    I made a quick mockup without much thinking, but the this for a dark theme is to make it lighter on the eyes.

    There usually are 2 or 3 options, being light the default, tinted for a less light touch (attached image) and a full dark/black mode like GitHub for example.

    On my storefront I used a color for the top and background that made it distinct and not so light, but now with gray it is quite ugly...

    Brickset has also light and black themes you can check.

    PD: having a profound designer take a spin to it might be needed for such a large site as it depends too much on whites.
  • edited December 2024 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Okay, well I've just disabled that for now then.

    It's a "recent" (2020) browser addition, to be able to adjust the website based on the browser/system dark mode preference. However, clearly users did not expect that
  • Also, @SavioryBricks if you want the fullwidth to be default. On your whitelabel you can do that in CSS. You can override the below property

    #page, .region-bottom, #header-inner, #footer, #footer-legal, #navigation, #magic-top{max-width:1114px;}
  • Well, then I'm probably the first one to say that I prefer dark mode... BUT, the design at the moment did not work at all. It wasn't dark mode, but a mix of some gray and white...
    It is probably difficult to explain, so an example (gray boxes are for privacy reasons):
  • By the way, Edge shows this page even in a decent way with it's beta features (in dark mode), but these stripes are strange things:
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