Over the last couple of weeks I've had numerous quotation requests from a number of users. Two paid up, and I sent their orders by Tracked Mail to the fulfilment centre (confirmed by Google searches), perhaps against my better judgement.
Another has sent multiple quote requests, and continues to do so (not completing despite quotes being issued within minutes of request). I eventually blocked their first account for time wasting, and they've now created another (very similar username, same delivery address etc).
My concern with such fulfilment centres/drop shipping is that the credit card address may also fail validation (as the note on the BrickOwl order form states) as well as having different delivery/billing addresses which - for instance - PayPal does not offer protection from.
I've gone through every setting on Stripe and cannot see how to mandate exact address as an obligatory validation/verification. There are some archived forum posts for here, but Stripe's website looks to have been updated since then.
Can anyone advise on the following please?
- How to add CC address validation on Stripe orders?
- Whether differing delivery and CC addresses is a general issue to avoid with Stripe or PayPal?
- Whether drop-shipping arrangements are also an issue to avoid?
- What best to do with a user with multiple accounts that you just don't want to service?
- If the user creates more accounts and I continue cancelling their quotation requests, whether this is likely to become an issue?
I'd note that adding these users to my block list also means that guest checkout is no longer available on my store. Perhaps just something I accept for now.
For higher value orders, if the billing address doesn't match the shipping address, that is a higher risk of chargeback. It could just be a normal customer, purchasing a gift for a friend. Alternatively, it could be someone using a stolen credit card, and using the billing address of the credit card holder.
If you have informed a customer that you don't want to ship to them, and they keep making quote requests or new accounts, we wouldn't be taking any action against the store for that.
Yes of course.
Quotation: 8116405. The billing and shipping address is for an Amazon Fulfilment Centre. I won't name the company here, but the delivery/billing address matches a company registered on Companies House, and their website gives more detail on their service.
This address matches a different user's quotation with the same billing and shipping address, with the company name in full on the order (quotations: 9068013 (generated four different times?); and 7425484)
For orders I did process, here is one to a different address (and by the user's feedback profile, they don't appear to be an issue): 1390818. It's a different company, but again, it's an Amazon Fulfilment Centre.
I'll look at the Radar again on Stripe - thanks!
So, in this case, they are located in another country, ordering items on Brick Owl to be sent to FBA Prep, who send them to FBA, to be sold to Amazon customers at higher prices.
I'm certainly cautious of zero feedback buyers doing this (and certainly those who are repeatedly changing their names across multiple accounts, as I would have concern over billing accuracy), but there's little control I have over receiving these types of orders.
Many thanks
I found the system endlessly confusing, to the point that I engaged Stripe's support to help me, which they did and it got the rules changed on my account for me. Now the billing address and zip must match and the fraud detector is turned up to max.
As a result, I've had a few people complain that orders don't go through my store, despite going through on other stores. When I advise them that the billing address must match 100%, I hear back either nothing at all, or an update that it now works with the correct address.
@adjour I would agree with you, I've had no problems that I know of with either drop shippers or freight forwarders. I'm happy to sell to both, so long as the transaction passes whatever Stripe/PayPal does for verification and I ship to the address PayPal/Stripe provide me.