Can anyone help?

When I get an order where PayPal is the payment method it doesn't register as payment received. I have tried everything I can think of and nothing works. There is nothing wrong with my API credentials. I have even deleted them and created new ones. It is not to bad on slower days/weeks but on busy ones I have to look each order up in PayPal and go back and cross reference each Brick Owl order with payments, open each order up, and then mark it paid. It used to work just fine. I haven't changed any settings that would have messed things up.

What I know is I do have a PayPal business account so that isn't the issue. My API credentials are correct and functioning just fine. I get this message on every single PayPal order,

Payment Details

No payment data available. If this does not appear within a few minutes, manually check PayPal for the payment details

Any ideas would be great as it is getting quite frustrating trying to figure it out. I am all out of ideas.



  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If it used to work and suddenly stopped which I think you have mentioned before, I would try and contact PayPal. If you have triple checked all your credentials, maybe it is something PayPal has to "reset" in your account? Couldn't hurt to try.

  • Yeah I already did. They said they are not having any known issues that it is on the websites end. Lawrence didn't think it was on the sites end as to the best of my knowledge I am the only one dealing with it.

    Thanks though.

  • The IPN is the issue, they are not sending any IPN messages to the IPN endpoint for some reason. The message you got from PayPal regarding no known issues probably refers to the general status of their whole systems. You may want to require about your specific account, whether you have some setting setup that would prevent you from using an IPN endpoint.
  • I am looking into it now. Does Brick Owl by chance have a notification URL specific to my store? I found the place it would need to be and it is turned off. However, in order to turn it on I need a notification URL. Hopefully I have worded it correctly.

  • We do, it's not specific to the store, that's the IPN url which is passed along with the payment stuff. We can't share it though as that could cause security issues. It doesn't need to be turned on, as otherwise we would get IPN data for all your non Brick Owl payments.
  • Ah okay. I thought I was onto something. I will keep looking. I will try to call later. They seem to get defensive when I think something is wrong and there is no tech support to talk with for help so I try to avoid talking to them at all costs. ;)

  • Okay I guess this is just impossible at this point. I did call PayPal and the guy seemed somewhat knowledgeable about the subject. But, his recommendation would not work as he said I needed to create a new PayPal account and get Brick Owl's notification URL and use the new account only for Brick Owl payments. Since you say that is a security issue I suppose I should just give up correct? It is starting to exceed my technically abilities and understanding. ;)

  • Personally I would give up, I don't think I've ever spoken to tech support and have them fix something on their side. You could try making another paypal account though, it does seem to be account specific, but I'm not sure if you're allowed to do that, or if its worth the effort.
  • Well as far as being allowed to you can. At least in the states you can. In order to link them they do that with a phone call. It is kind of the same process as the micro payments so I may try it as that was on my to do list anyway.

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