I ordered an item from Canada. It arrived today but it was shipped within the uk. I paid 20% vat on this order and the cost of shipping from Canada. Do I have the right to claim back the vat and the difference in shipping cost from the seller. Also is a seller allowed to do this. Look forward to hearing your thoughts about this.
In EE or in EU in general - if the central warehouse is within EU, then it does not matter if I purchase the item from a chinese seller who is located in China and whome I've paid with Chinese currency. If the item is already in an EU warehouse and the shipping is only done within EU, then I have no obligations to pay any additonal VAT nor nothing since it should have been done when ever the item(s) were imported to EU. And in reality it has been just like that.
The seller/importer then reclaims the Import VAT from HMRC (in most cases) and accounts for all this in whatever way their national authorities requires.
In the end, VAT has been collected and paid correctly.
B2B shipments can be more complicated, but if they're not registered for VAT in the UK, I'm not sure how else they could have done it when selling through a marketplace.
Paying shipping from Canada to the UK only for them to ship within the UK is a different matter.