Additional Carts

Have just placed orders with 13 sellers. For some reason the site is showing that I also have 13 carts at these exact same sellers. The existing carts are NOT duplicates of the orders.

I only noticed as I wanted to amend one order slightly...

Picture of carts - for £210 - my orders were for c£160.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • When an order is placed, the cart within that store is deleted, so those will be new carts. The time on the carts is all after the orders were placed. Were they created with somthing like the wishlist magic tool?
  • I have no idea how they appeared. I used the Wishlist Magic Tool to create the original orders.
    I always order using this, however it is the first time I've used this since the site was upgraded (with the cost shown at the bottom as a pop-up rather than on the right hand side). The box that came up with the 13 carts when I created the carts did not move off screen or change as I checked out an placed every order - even at the end.

    The new orders are a full 10 mins from the last actual order I placed, but I didn't instigate anything to the best of my knowledge.
  • Ah, unfortunately I'm not sure what yo suggest. You can just empty all the carts from that cart page on the dropdown
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