Card payments

I can accept card payments via my Wise business account by creating unique links which the buyers open and could complete payment.

I don't know about the "manual processing" methods, would one of them suitable for me?

Or the only way to accept card payments is using Stripe?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would recommend creating a Stripe account, as we don’t have integration with Wise
  • I won't go back to Stripe after an unjustified chargeback which after the guy kept my item and got back his money too.

    It doesn't require integration, I create a unique link and send it to the buyer. Wouldn't it work?
  • edited October 2024 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Certainly sending a link to a customer to make payment can work, but it wouldn't be a very good checkout experience. The customer would need to place the order without payment, and you would need to contact them afterwards to arrange payment.

    I can understand wanting to avoid the risk of chargebacks. Chargebacks can be an issue on any form of card payment provider, so that would be the same with Stripe or Wise.
  • Payment processors (Stripe, Wise, Paypal, etc.) do not have any control over chargebacks. These are initiated by the card issuers (banks, credit unions, Amex, etc.). In other words, you would have received that chargeback no matter which processor you used.
  • That's true but hopefully Wise doesn't rip me off with a €20ish chargeback fee and accepting card payments is also cheaper than Stripe's. I guess I'll stick with PayPal and IBAN for now.
  • From Wise blog:
    Chargeback fees typically range between $15 to $25.
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