I have a customer who has placed an order and are having problems paying with paypal through Brickowl for whatever reason. So I thought I would just send him my email address and he could pay that way. Upon receipt of them receiving the email they say the email address has been removed. So I can't even get his email address so I can send him a money request/invoice through paypal.
I have asked him to contact admin. Any ideas?
The reason is two fold, to remove the special brickowl email addresses which need to stay private, and to prevent messaging outside the messaging system. I may change it if I can better deal with the first issue.
besides as soon as a buyer receive a paypal payment you have the possibility of direct communication between buyer/seller.
It's about honour really - I have had a couple of suggestions of folks trying to buy "direct" - to which I ask politely "please make the purchase thru my store"
Look at it another way - many members start fee avoidance - you make no money - close the site - we ALL loose!
honour and integrity thats what it is (or should be) about = honesty
With the details you have submitted we are unable to confirm that the recipient has registered with us. PayPal will send an email to the recipient explaining how to complete your transaction.