then, yes, possibly a misprint or the rest of the pattern has been removed. Something like nail varnish remover might take it off, but that doesn't look like the case, and you'd have to be very precise to not affect the remaining pattern.
@Jay37 we have the full pattern listed. We can’t find anything wrong with this even under a magnifying glass. To see if the pattern has been altered. Thanks for your feedback much appreciated. Will ask admin if we list this as a misprint.
You may be suprised, but it is actually possible to erase prints on older Lego prints with simple rubber eraser... And you can be very precise with it... So I would not jump to the conclusion of this being a misprint - but it also may be...
then, yes, possibly a misprint or the rest of the pattern has been removed. Something like nail varnish remover might take it off, but that doesn't look like the case, and you'd have to be very precise to not affect the remaining pattern.