Shipping discounts

Is it possible to have the option to discount shipping the same as we can discount orders. At the moment it is full shipping costs or free shipping.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Unfortunately that would be a bit complicated for us to implement. You can create a coupon to discount the order by a fixed amount. This will discount the entire order, including the subtotal and shipping costs.
  • @ Lawrence is it possible for you to set up. 50% discount on orders of £50 and over, and free shipping over £100 uk only please. We are very grateful for your help in doing the shipping costs. We have tried but it is all to much for us. Much appreciated for your help. Best regards Julie
  • Are you saying that you want a shipping method, that applies to the UK, with no cost, and a minimum limit of £100? If so, I can set that up.

    Setting up a 50% discount would mean duplicating all the methods and halving the costs. You can certainly do that yourself, but that's not something that we want to maintain on your account.
  • @ Lawrence thanks for your help. Yes please to the free uk shipping for orders over £100. That will be much appreciated.
  • Okay, I've created that on your account
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