Refund for cancelled order

Evening everyone
Just wondering If a customer has cancelled an order and asked for a refund does anyone deduct the pay pal/stripe etc charges??


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I actually have an order I'm cancelling tomorrow. Buyer provided an incomplete address. I've sent them 4 unanswered messages now.

    Normally I would just cancel and move on, but I don't really feel I should end up out of pocket over this.
  • I always do a full refund, no discussion. I consider it a part of the cost of doing business. (It doesn't mean I like it though :smile: ).

    Only time I did a partial refund, was on an order that returned to me. It appeared the buyer had moved but didn't update his shipping address to his new address. Even then, I refunded the payment fees but not the shipping fee. This seemed fair, and the buyer as well agreed this to be a fair solution.
  • Found out the other day, you can not cancel an order that has not been fully refunded. Got an 8 cent order + $5.25 shipping, customer paid, then asked to cancel. I tried keeping the fees, but could not cancel the order, so I just fully refunded, ate the fees, and finally cancelled the order.
  • Thanks all for your replies :)
  • I found that if you ask PayPal they will rebate any fees on a cancelled order - well they did when I asked nicely
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