I was curious about the biggest stores on BrickOwl.
https://www.brickowl.com/stores You can sort on 'store', 'country', 'owner', 'feedback' and 'items'.
With the arrows you can arrange them from big to small.
This only works with 'items'
If you try to do this with 'feedback' it doesn't work?
Same for the other columns ?
Kind regards,
Ohhh. It's a spacing thing. The arrows are divorced in proximity to the column they represent. The arrows immediately to the left of Country are actually the arrows for the Store column.
Could the arrows be moved to be immediately next to the column head they represent? Either that or add some vertical lines to enclose the arrows in the same cell as the column head.
Visually the Store arrows look like they belong to Country, Country arrows belong to Owner, and so on.
And I have no idea what that first column is supposed to represent. Star? That column could stand some explanation somewhere on the page, or label it appropriately.
Seems to be a case of "it's programmed correctly" but as a visitor I'm not getting the results I'm expecting...and therefore confusion.
@Lawrence, I would really like to see what the biggest stores are
And I don't think that feedback is a good indicator of how large a store is. A 'new' store can have over a million items, but no feedback at all.