Shipping prices

Has anyone noticed that the shipping price in an order suddenly are lower then in our shipping methods I just checked a couple of orders and the change is only in the orders from today the orders from yesterday and before got the correct shipping costs.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Could you provide an example order number? I can then look into this for you.
  • All this orders got the same problem Order #1345871, Order #3515209, Order #9620428, Order #6181482, Order #9517643
  • edited September 2024 Vote Up0Vote Down
    It looks like you have your tax profile set up in a very strange way. You've set it to remove tax of 18% if the customer is not in Malta. And then if they're in the Netherlands, add 21% tax, but not on the shipping. So the shipping is therefore reduced by 18%.

    As you are based in the Netherlands, usually your Netherlands tax profile would be the "remove" one. So, if your prices already include tax, that would result in no change for Netherlands customers. Then the 21% would be removed for everyone else. And then added back on again with your other tax profiles you already have.
  • it's weird because we didn't change anything and the orders from yesterday and before got the correct shipping prices there is also an order to Israel so that got the same issue and there is no tax on that .
  • edited September 2024 Vote Up0Vote Down
    I'm not sure what to say about it working before. Just to clarify, the way you have it set up now, is that your base prices are not including tax. Tax is then added seperately for each EU country. So your shipping/item prices will all be about 20% higher for EU than for US for example.
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