Suddenly missing wishlist data on all shop homepages.

I do have pages of wishlists. I used to go to any store, and on right side of the page under " Your Wishlists" I would get everything that the store would have. Now it only shows 15 wishlists max, and I've confirmed that the store has parts in my other wishlists that don't appear on the shop homepage in the list of 15. This changed for me sometime in the last week. Anyone else seeing this?


  • 13 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes we limited this as we saw it was making visiting stores very slow for some users, and having a list of 50+ wishlists on the side of the page wasn't ideal. Maybe if you give some more information about how you were using the feature, we may be able to adapt it.
  • @Lawrence I've attached a screenshot(in full screen mode) of what is happening to any store I visit. The "add to cart" button is covering the price if the description is more than 1 line (or sometimes it will show with 2 lines, but never with 3 lines). If I use the add to cart button, it will reveal the price for all the items in that row only.

    Is this related to the changes you made?
  • Experiencing it too, also for WL maybe just put a button to show all that will retrieve the data only when required an not by default?
  • Happening on inventory pages too...
  • Thank you all so much for reporting that. I was working late last night on some unrelated CSS. I removed what I thought was a redundant line, but clearly wasn't. That has now been fixed.

    @Stellar yes, I will probably need to build a "show more"
  • @Lawrence Thanks for responding. I can't speak to the slow store issue, but having all my wishlists show up on a stores homepage was VERY ideal. It's the very nature of how I shop on this site. For example, I find a rare piece for a good price in a store. So I add it to my cart, then I go to their home page and go thru each of my wishlists to see what parts they have that I want to add. This is also helpful when I'm shopping in a store that has a spend limit. Sometimes I HAVE to go thru my wishlists and add to the cart to get my total up to the spend limit. I currently have 3 pages of wishlists items, each page holds 20 wishlists. I can't even see a full page of my wishlist on a homepage now. I love this site and appreciate all the efforts to keep it updated. But after 4 years and $1000 of dollars spent, this change makes the site difficult to unusable for me now. I'd have to restrict myself to 15 wishlists to enjoy the ease of use that I did before. Can you make it a paged or scrolled window on the side, instead of limiting it to 15? Please bring this feature back.
  • @lacrymologyst Understood. I apologise for not thinking that through further. I'll hopefully implement something in the coming days.

    I also appreciate that for every user that mentions a pain point, there will be many that experience it but do not mention it.
  • I've now implemented the "show more"
  • @Lawrence You da man! Thank you for your help.
  • "I also appreciate that for every user that mentions a pain point, there will be many that experience it but do not mention it."

    @Lawrence Mine truly was a "pain point" for me. I had a bandage on my finger as I was trying to type. ;)

    Thank you for fixing it!
  • I also appreciate that every time a user mentions a pain point, you do something constructive about it pretty quickly. Many thanks for the quick updates Lawrence.
  • I for one am finding this change to the sidebar wishlist something less than optimal. Where did the "all" link go? Viewing the "show more" items in the list requires an extra click every subsequent page to access links farther down the list.

    I don't know where the tradeoff between having one wishlist with 1200 items versus having 100 wishlists with 12 items each…how that impacts how fast the server can respond to a particular page load…but the current implementation without "all" and having to deal with "show more" "hide more" makes the browsing efficiency…that is the time it takes for the user to drag the cursor around the screen and click to reveal a hidden item, then scroll some more to locate the desired target…much worse than waiting an extra second (which I can say I was not experiencing) for the page to load.

    I don't know what the answer to the issue here may be, but I can absolutely state that user efficiency is taking a massive hit with this implementation.

    For me, with 60+ wish lists, this change means I have gone from needing to click one "all" link to reveal all items a store has to either:

    one click plus one scroll per wishlist for stores with wishlists <= 15
    one click plus one scroll per item plus one click plus (at least) one scroll for stores with wish lists > 15

    In other terms
    one "all" click -> one page load, plus one page load for stores containing > 60 items, plus one page load for every subsequent 60 items.


    one page load per wishlist, plus one page load for stores containing > 60 items per wishlist, plus one page load for every subsequent 60 items.

    So if one store has 16 wishlists, that's 15 additional page loads.

    Again, I don't know what the answer is, but my time and effort have just gone up considerably. And, yeah, what's the better user experience? Waiting an extra second or two for a page load or having to load 16 pages? À chaque son goût.

    I know different strokes for different folks, but if I have to work twice as hard to complete an order, then orders are going to happen half as often.

    Also, apologies in advance if I didn't get all the click and scroll count exactly right, but I ought to be in the general ballpark for someone working on a standard laptop size screen.
  • edited August 2024 Vote Up0Vote Down
    With the "all" link in particular, we removed that for users with lots of lists, as we had some users that had multiple lists with multiple thousands of parts each. I will have a think if there is a different way to limit that. I've put it back for now.
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