I really dislike listing superlots in BL. So for BO can we have paired items in the catalog. For example, right and left wedge plates, right and left wedges, windows and glass, doors and frames, etc. OK, maybe windows and glass, and doors and frames may not work because there are multiple combinations possible. But let's at least have paired items where there are no multiple combinations - such as paired left and right wedges and wedge plates in the same size and color.
Also solves the problem for all those "animals" that many of us feel should be listed as complete assemblies.
Wouldn't it be great, as a seller, to be able to select this one item from the catalog to sell it? And for it to show up in catalog searches for the part number or part names? Or to have groups of parts like those to create the Duplo Cars characters, etc? Right now the Catalog shows Custom sets, all of which are composed of collections of LEGO parts. Is this much different than paired parts?
Also, how many buyers will think of or search for these pairings as "custom" parts? Not many. And pairing them in the catalog won't prevent you or anyone else from using them in any custom assemblies.
There are several cross pairings where a piece of glass works with several windows or a tire works with several wheels and vice versa. Would you then start to create 12345pr02, etc.?
Or maybe something completely unique like the basilisk?
Personally, I don't care if you buy all my right wedges and leave the lefts. The LotR Wargs set threw evenness of wedges to the wind.
You may be missing what I'm saying. The Custom structure that exists now allows you to do precisely what you are looking for. You can create your own pair of these parts, and the pair is then available for any seller to list. Buyers don't need to searcch for custom parts to find the pair -- they would just need to search for anything that you include in the description or tags for the catalog listing.