Managing store during a short break

We're planning a short holiday - ten days tops - and considering options to manage our shop during this period. Typically, the shop is closed to prevent new orders when we're away. However, this time we're thinking of temporarily extending the dispatch time to 6-14 days instead of closing altogether.

We're curious if any of you have used this option and what your experience has been like. Have you noticed any change in sales compared to closing entirely? There's usually a significant decrease in open shopping carts when the shop is closed. I'm curious if a similar effect occurs when the shop remains open but with an extended dispatch time.

Additionally, how did you communicate the temporary extended dispatch time to potential buyers? Ensuring our buyers are well-informed and not caught off guard is crucial. We've added a brief notice to the homepage (image attached), but I'm unsure if this will suffice.

I would greatly appreciate hearing about your experiences and any insights.



  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • When you set the despatch time to 6-14 days, it removes it from the catalog. So there shouldn't really be an issue of customers not being aware. It also gets colored red.
  • edited July 18 Vote Up0Vote Down
    @Lawrence Thanks for a quick reply! How does setting the dispatch time to 6-14 days differ from completely closing the shop from a buyer's perspective?
  • People who have a link to your store can still visit your store and place orders. Simiarly if someone searched your store name on google. Your store wouldn't show anywhere in the catalog.
  • It may have a small impact on despatch days.... but it probably butters out at the end

    Despatches in2-5 Day
  • Just be aware that some customers won't read the details and you may end up dealing with messages/complaints about slow shipping.
  • @White Horse Bricks Thank you for pointing that out. I'm aware some customers might miss the details. To address this, I plan to send a follow-up note to buyers who place their orders during this time, reminding them of the longer dispatch time and offering the option to cancel if they can't wait.
  • @Pikka That's exactly what I do when I'm away from the store for a longer time. Most people are really kind and supportive - haven't had a cancellation due to holidays :smile:
  • Would it not be possible to have box that you can tick to say you are away. Then people who visit your store get a notification saying shipping may be delayed until xxxx date. As eBay do?
  • when I go on vacations, I reopen the day or so before I'm due back home. It makes it so you have to pack orders the day you get back though, but its great to maintain cash flow
  • @adjour Same here, it gives people time to start filling baskets.
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