Payment country mismatch- French Polynesia

I have an order coming from French Polynesia (Tahiti) and the system has raised an alert "The country the card is registered in does not match the billing country. This may be a potential concern and should be addressed with the customer."
After some research I found that some of the comparison programs don't recognise FP as a country (Apple store etc). I'm wondering if that could be the issue? Or perhaps that one registers as FP and the other as Tahiti? They've given me their bank contact in FP and it seems legit. But without their card number I can't do a full check or find out the issue.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • French Polynesia isn't an independent country; it's part of the Republic of France.
  • Ta- Apparently they won't accept France either, because that doesn't match when the bank issues everything in FP, not in France. That's according to what I've found on Reddit etc - I'd love to find out for sure from BrickOwl, or other users who've had the same issue with orders from FP, though..
  • In the payment details it says the card country is France so that should not be an issue
  • Whenever I get a message like this or similar I go the the stripe dashboards and check the payments lists, rare times you see a few unsuccessful tries for the same amount, check if they have different card details and if so cancel the order as seems stolen card data. Else if it is just only one just pick, pack and ship. Also worth checking if the user already has Feedback or any issue, but a lot of times it is new users.
  • Thankyou all!!!

    Feeling very stupid now- I couldn't figure out how they paid via card since I couldn't see it on the Stripe account...but I had just sat down to the PC and was checking multiple tabs all at the same time by going through and refreshing them, and I had just forgotten to refresh the Stripe one!


    On Stripe it says normal risk, and the address is FP but the origin is France. (Thankyou for confirming that, Lawrence).

    Side note: On Stripe they have the French flag on the transaction but on BO it has the ...FP? one - which makes sense but explains some of the confusion.
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