I was wondering if you might look at adding a ‘store for sale’ flag which could be searched by those wanting to buy (registered members) and you could allow some additional info to be provided by store holders and then BrickOwl could charge a smaller than usual commission on the sale.
I think this would be a great benefit to those who might be looking to add to their own store inventory and to those selling out, as they don’t have to run stock down so much ideal for those unable to continue running the store through a change in personal circumstances.
I know there are 3rd parties offering similar services but the inventory etc. is right here on the owl, so it seems the best place.
If for sale - those stores could show total stock value and discount against that for buying the store. Other details could be - collection only or shipping included, any storage / parts management included - general location (county / state).
I know such stores could be listed in sales/store announcement forums - but who has the time ??
any thoughts?