White-label stores - Google search listing icon

It doesn't appear that White-label stores display the logo uploaded to the BO Store settings when appearing the Google search listings.

It seems Google look for specific tags in the homepage. Is it possible to implement something like this please? Happy to upload a .ico file if needed.



  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have changed the size of the favicon and will monitor to see if this fixes the issue
  • Thanks - we've requested that Google re-crawl the white-label URL/site and will wait and see
  • Just to update on this, Google have crawled the site a few times but I'm not seeing the favicon yet. Any other suggestions please?
  • I’ll take another look at it when I get some time
  • Let me throw this out there like spaghetti and see if it sticks to anything.

    My web site has the favicon displaying at Google.

    I am not following Google recommendations, and I do not have a relative link to my favicon within the html files.

    I am using a text file called "site.manifest" at the root directory of the site. Here is Mozilla's referrence:

    here is the content of my site.manifest file:

    "name": "",
    "short_name": "",
    "icons": [
    "src": "/android-chrome-192x192.png",
    "sizes": "192x192",
    "type": "image/png"
    "src": "/android-chrome-512x512.png",
    "sizes": "512x512",
    "type": "image/png"
    "theme_color": "#ffffff",
    "background_color": "#ffffff",
    "display": "standalone"

    I am using the complete suite of favicons generated by favicongenerator. Seems every platform wants icons tailored to their specific needs. I think I have at least 10 of them. These also sit in the root directory of the site, but I suppose they could go anywhere as long as the "src" line in site.webmanifest has an absolute full url.
    also check their reference page

    You may want to give that a go. Worst that happens is nothing happens.
  • It looks like the issue was the ico was blocked by robots.txt. This only affected Whitelabel stores as they have their URLs set up slightly differently. Hopefully google should now be able to fetch them.

    There was also a separate issue where some stores had logos that were not square, so we updated the system to add blankspace around them so they will become square.
  • Just to confirm, this is now working and I can see your logo on google search results
  • perfect, thank you!
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