Wishlist items marked in set inventories/Collection

I recently acquired some used sets I'd like to part out. I know that specific parts in the sets are in my wishlist, so I'd like to set those parts aside and move the rest of the parts to my collection/store. I haven't seen a way in BrickOwl to cross-reference a set's inventory with my wishlist. I've been able to add the set to it's own wishlist, download both my and the set wishlists, and do the cross-reference in Excel.

Would it be possible to download the set inventory directly to cross-reference in Excel, or (even better) create an icon or label in the set inventory which would allow users to see items in a set that are also in their wishlist(s)?

I keep my collection on Rebrickable, but I was playing with BrickOwl's collection tool, and I don't see this option available there, either, so having this feature in the Collection list might be useful, too.


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