The other site wanted list transfer

I don't spend a ton on but approximately $300 over a year. I have noticed many of the stores I have bought vintage space parts from have either disappeared or have limited vintage parts. I haven't bought from Brick owl yet. I would like to.

I would like to import my wanted lists from Bricklink. I have of 30+ sets that I have partials inventories of my collection. Please let me know if there is an easier way than manual entry into Brickowl.


brick owl noob


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't think there is a really easy step to do this in 1 go, but no need to enter every single item, 'only' every wanted list.

    I think the easiest:
    Go to and make a new wishlist for every wanted list.
    Then get Brickstore, import every wanted list, in case of -1 price adjust them to 0.

    Then , from Brickstore, one by one export every single wanted list to wanted list
    But instead of pasting it to Bricklink go to, select the correct wishlist, choose Brickstore XML and hit paste.
    And lastly click upload.
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