Why does the BrickOwl system allow buyers to complete check out without entering a last name? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm always worried that a package will be returned if I don't include a last name on the shipping label. So as of today I will be assigning my own last names to orders shipping without last names in the account. Today's mild snark was Joe UNREVEALED. But I'm thinking I may default to Xtapolapocetl.
I have never seen, nor heard of anyone only ordering with first name.
But as ErwinNL mentions, maybe see if the paypal "address" is with full name.
Because i would actually decline the order, and write to the customer about needing a last name.
And lastly, never use your own name with shipping.
That will only make the delivery even more problematic, and might return it as false address, or worse lost package. Leaving the customer without Lego and you needing to refund. Leaving you both at a loss.
So if and when this happens, at least not write anything that is not true.