No last name - should equal automatic snarky last name assignments.

Why does the BrickOwl system allow buyers to complete check out without entering a last name? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm always worried that a package will be returned if I don't include a last name on the shipping label. So as of today I will be assigning my own last names to orders shipping without last names in the account. Today's mild snark was Joe UNREVEALED. But I'm thinking I may default to Xtapolapocetl.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I've noticed that many of these name-only buyers are from Australia and New Zealand. Our postal service's online form requires a surname, so I repeat the name, hoping that individuals like John John from Darwin and Peter Peter from Auckland will receive their orders.
  • I often use the PayPal mail to figure out their last names.
  • How often does this happen to you ? Wild Bricks ?
    I have never seen, nor heard of anyone only ordering with first name.
    But as ErwinNL mentions, maybe see if the paypal "address" is with full name.

    Because i would actually decline the order, and write to the customer about needing a last name.

    And lastly, never use your own name with shipping.
    That will only make the delivery even more problematic, and might return it as false address, or worse lost package. Leaving the customer without Lego and you needing to refund. Leaving you both at a loss.
    So if and when this happens, at least not write anything that is not true.
  • edited February 2024 Vote Up0Vote Down
    @ErwinNL The PayPal receipt indeed includes the full name, and I was considering using it to complete the online form. However, I understand that some buyers may opt to keep their full name private in the shipping address due to concerns about sharing personal information.
  • @Malnaborg I believe this is 4th order that I've received without a last name. Then there was the guy whose customer name (not username) was Darth Vader. Now granted I've been open for 7 years, so I could be forgetting a few and isn't really that big a deal considering how many orders that I've actually processed. It is more the amusement factor of the whole thing as well as just an oddity of BrickOwl that seems to allow it to happen.
  • @Wild Bricks please tell me he was buying a bunch of stormtrooper Minifigures to rebuild the Empire...
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