Hi all, I'm just wondering if it is fine to have a second band for shipping which has no max weight or price, my concern is if this shipping method is enabled if I may end up with an order exceeding the minimum weight of this band, but the buyer won't be charnged any shipping cost.
Because yes it would mean the buyer isn't charged for shipping and you end up paying yourself for it
If it is because you want to put in shipping manual then there is te Quote request option.
The last row in the 'Band Information' block with only a from weight no to and no price. With the green button to the right.
As long as there is no price it will not be used, just as it stated in the text above it
"Leave the price on the final band empty if you do not want to use it."
And to check, go to your delivery page https://brickspertau.brickowl.com/page/delivery
So nothing to worry, all good
Thankyou for the help