USA Tax Collection

Does BrickOwl collect and remit sales tax for USA sellers?

If not, how do you know how much tax you have collected?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This is a common question on the forum. No, BrickOwl does not collect sales tax on behalf of USA sellers.

    You will need to set up your own tax tables, which can be done in your store's settings here:
    My Store/Settings/Tax

    The taxes already set up for your store are for if you want to sell internationally. US taxes are set up by zip code. Some stores will only have a few; other stores could have dozens, depending on your state's tax law.

    Once you have your tax rates set up, any orders that have a tax associated with them will have a separate line for the amount of tax you collected. This information is also available in the orders download file to can export at any time. You'll need to pay those taxes back to your state per your state's tax law.
  • The sales tax is paid to the state the buyer lives in. That would involve inputting over 41k zip codes if you ship to all 50 states.
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