Buyer selected local pick up when they are in a different state

Hi all, Hopefully someone can help me.
I have a buyer that chose local pick up through the instant check out thing and they are in a different state, I have messaged them to clarify if they can pick up(just waiting for their response). Just wondering what my options are if they can't.
the reason this is an issue is because I don't have postage set to this option.


  • 17 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • edited January 2024 Vote Up0Vote Down
    In your shipping method settings, you would need to tick the box for local collection. This will stop it being automatically selected on every order. With regards to that order, if they want to pay for postage, you can send a paypal invoice to their brick owl email address (on their contact tab)
  • Lawrence, is "Shipped" the right status to use for local collection orders that have been packaged and are awaiting collection?

    I was reluctant to use it, as the terminology is confusing for a non-shipping order, but I think we need to, or else we risk not being able to capture the payment if the buyer is slow to collect?
  • Probably, otherwise it will show as outstanding until they pick it up
  • If it is taking a very long while, yes maybe marked it shipped.
    Otherwise do a manual capture (on STRIPE) that way the money is no problem, and if this is the only order that is taking longer there is no issue with a warning in your order screen
  • Thanks.

    We'll mark these as Shipped from now on.

    FYI, our experience on a different platform is that buyers who place orders for local collection nonetheless contact us about their order not arriving thinking we shipped it instead. This is a fairly common experience for us, maybe 5% of local collection orders.
  • Thanks Lawrence, I have ticked the box, hopefully I won't have any more issues with this in the future. As for marking local pick up orders as shipped, I don't have any experience with that on this site, although I have done it a few times on another site and I like to only mark it as shipped upon collection, I think that helps to avoid any confusion and if it takes a while for them to collect and they message asking why it hasn't been shipped yet, it prompts me to 'investigate' and look into it, and go "oh, you chose local pick up" that's why it hasn't shipped yet.
    I hope that makes sense to everyone.
  • For Stripe orders you can manually capture within the order in Brick Owl with the more actions menu
  • @Bricks Warehouse , after having the same issue a few time, I renamed the "Local collection" to a name that is more clear for a buyer:

    "You pickup the order from our store in Bruges (Belgium)" is the actual name of the shipping method.

    It's more self-explanatory as "Local collection". I believe a buyer gets confused by the term "Local", thinking it's local to his location...
  • @Gaston.La.Brick That's a good a idea, I've set ours to "Pickup from O'Connor, Western Australia".

    I'm not sure how it appears in the "shipped" email that goes to buyers though. Our issue wasn't buyers from another state selecting pickup by mistake, but rather buyers who wanted pickup, getting confused when the site told them the order was shipped instead.
  • @Lawrence
    I created an new shipping method with 'Local Collection' as carrier.
    Intended for those people that pickup the order locally.

    But it seems that is auto selected, since it is the cheapest option.
    Maybe something gone wrong in the code?
    Or am I missing a setting?
  • In the advanced settings, you need to choose the option for local collection also
  • edited September 2024 Vote Up0Vote Down
    The advanced settings are greyed out (the title) and the rest of that block is empty.

    I also thought that by selecting 'Local Collection' as carrier the advanced setting was needed.

    Only for other shipping options there is an advanced block :smile:
  • Could you send a screenshot? If you click on the advanced header, it should expand to show the options.
  • Hmm, never clicked on a greyed-out option before :smile:
    But yes, than the advanced options are shown, not very intuitive in my opinion, but it works.

    Also strange that when starting a new shipping option something like this is not openend by default.

    Hopefully all good now :smile:
  • I hadn't thought about that being confusing. The idea is all the 'advanced' stuff is overwhelming for new users. I'm not sure how to better communicate that the advanced settings can be clicked on to expand it.
  • Maybe an arrow down symbol or something like that (or a text 'click to expand').
    And not in a greyed out color :smile:

    And yes it can be overwhelming for new users, but in some area's I don't think some options should be hidden. Although most options in the advanced maybe aren't necessary for every shipping option.
  • An arrow could work, I'll make a note
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