Search issue

I think this has come up several times one way or another.

If I search my inventory (1x 1 brick) on BL the result is 218 lots all of which are 1x1 brick, either round/standard/modified

If I search my inventory (1x1 brick) here the result is 1027 lots which includes over 800 lots that are not 1x1 brick

Is there a way to force search (in this example) to get ONLY 1x1 Bricks to get the same result as BL?



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I've only replicated this in my store front rather than inventory, but a search for "brick 1x1" (in quotation marks) brings up four pages with only bricks 1x1, including round and those with clips, headlights, etc. If I search without quotation marks I get far more results, including 1x2, 1x3 etc.
  • Thanks, finally figured out

    "1x1 brick" = no results

    "brick 1x1" works

    Just need to remember its back to front!
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