1997 Set 6249 2 x 3 Brick Red #3002

Before I request a catalogue Change: presently the inventory of Set 6249 shows 3002 w/o cross supports, I think it should be with cross supports, can someone confirm this. This would correct 3002 sets and 3002 w/o sets. The probability change listing part to 3002 w. and the alternate can use 3002 w/o.

Sorry for being a pain! I am researching the death out of 3002 right now, and I need to make sure my bricks are in the right circa.

Thank you, guys your wonderful!


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Given that the w/o cross supports seems to cease production in 1997 (according to here - I haven't dug any further at the moment so this may be confirmed or disputed at other sources) and the set was released in 1997, it is entirely possible that this variant was used. It is also possible the new with support variant was used as well. LEGO would no doubt have had lots of the old variant in holding (especially as red was/is one of their original and plentiful colors) and would want to run these stocks down, so I imagine it was some time after 1997 that the w/o variant actually disappeared from sets.

    Even if you were lucky enough to have a sealed set to check inventory, that would only confirm that particular set had that particular part.

    Adding the newer variant as an alternate might be the safer option in my opinion (rather than the other way round), as in this time frame I doubt anyone can be absolutely certain which bricks appeared where.

    Maybe someone else has a better understanding or take on this...
  • According to my sources (ReBrickable), then the production of the 3002a (without side supports) ceased in 1990... But then again, at the time there was a plethora of red bricks available everywhere and in many basic sets. Just out of curiosity I checked my stock and I got a bit suprised of the amounts of 3002a bricks I have - keeping in mind that most of my sets and brick are from 1990 (not prior).

    So that might be somewhat difficult to pin the correct option to that set, but... ReBrickable states that it has the 3002 (with side supports) in it and does not hint to any other version having the 3002a in it in that specific set. That being said, then according to ReBrickable the last set with 3002a in it was from 1990 being set number 6923 that came in two versions. One was with 3002a and the other was with 3002.
  • Wow! Thank you for your time and input into this subject. With production ceased in 1990 3002a, and this particular set being produced in 1997, you would think 3002 would be the correct part, but, who knows how long they had an over abundant supply of 3002a, 7 years worth? If this was the case you would think from 1990 to 1997 they would have more sets with 3002a. Rebrickable noting the last set in 1990 with either 3002a or 3002 makes sense. But, even though I believe it was with part 3002, until, we have actual proof, I suppose a change can not be made. Thanks again for your time and effort, for me it's very enlightening!
  • I know there's an awful lot of information out there about the history of 2x4 bricks, with collectors really deep diving, but it seems as though its smaller relative is not as well served.
  • This is likely an error.
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