Retrieve order feedback through API.

Could we get a way to retrieve an order's feedback through the API? I have been working on an app to mange my store and I can send feedback. There is just no way of knowing if I have already submitted feedback since I can't retrieve my past feedbacks?

Ideally, include all the feedback data when GET: order/view is called.



  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I believe there are flags to indicate if feedback has been left or received, is this not the case?
  • There is on the GET order/view:

    "customer_feedback_left": 0,
    "store_feedback_left": 1,

    But there is no way of knowing if it is positive, negative or neutral.
  • I was thinking that the customer_feedback_left and store_feedback_left was a count of the number of feedbacks between the customer and user. Maybe I am mistaken. I am new to Brick Owl and have not received any feedback yet.

    Or does this value represent 1: positive, 0: neutral, -1 negative? If this is the case, could the feedback comment be returned with the API?
  • It is only a flag indicating feedback was posted, not the rating.

    I requested this feature earier but can't find the topic anymore.

    I really like to have the full text, rating and date returned when possible. For both buyer and seller placed feedback.

    Please :)
  • This would be nice to have the rating and the comment availble via API.

  • I would like to have feedback information available through the API.
  • Would you be able to give some examples of how you would like to use the full text comments from the feedback?
  • In case of BLS Manager; it has a popup in the order list showing feedback by seller and buyer. There is also a feedback form to post feedback, it would be great to know what the buyer wrote so that you can adjust your feedback accordingly. Now I need to check BO for each order to see how the buyer rated the transaction.

    BLSM has some other feedback functions, but these are the main reason I'd like to have the data.
  • I wrote an app to help me pick orders. I can post feedback, but I cannot see what feedback was received.
  • Here is screenshot of my app. I would like to show actual feedback text instead of “feedback left”
  • As a different viewpoint. For me as time goes on, feedback has become less and less important. Only a small proportion of buyers leave it at all. While I would be narked if I got a negative, it is going to make little or no difference to the way I administer my store if I get another 50 or 500 feedback in the next year. The actual text of the feedback is even less important.

    If this is going to take much dev. time, I don't really see it as relevant.
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