I am a small store with limited storage but my worst problem are my stickered parts for which I have quite a few.
Anyone suggest ideas for storage please. When i have orders for parts it is taking me ages to find them
I do not (unfortunately) have room for another set of drawers and my husband is refusing point blank (which i think is selfish) of building an extension for me
Anyone suggest any ideas please?
I've seen quite a few people use the large baseplates (32x32) and put the stickered parts on there (only works with tiles though).
I haven't really got any better ideas. I've split my stickered parts into different trays (bricks/tiles/slopes/panels/everything else), and inside each tray the smallest parts are kept separate.
@hoddie I take sticker part listings on a case by case basis. There are some items where the average sold value is actually lower on the stickered item than the standard one, and others where the stickered price is 100% more than the plain, but the part sells 100 times more often in the plain part. In general I prefer to sell them as stickered if they are in good enough condition, as I don't like taking them out of the supply chain as they are only of finite availability compared to the normal parts.
One of these would be perfect for you! Half for you and half for Lego! https://www.costway.co.uk/catalog/product/view/id/9293/s/jewelry-armoire-with-with-full-length-mirror-and-2-led-lights-rustic-brown/?ff=30&fp=9293&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=product_ads&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5f2lBhCkARIsAHeTvlg3q0L8LAMCvxqsgz1qbLHZb1WKULybIRl23SkrvnpLdMHrJNG8Kk8aAmvvEALw_wcB