Brick Owl Magic features


So as some may have already read, then I'm working on a big project including thousands of pieces. I've also uploaded an initial list of those spares to one of my wishlists and I thought of checking, what would the outcome be to get the necessary spares via Brick Owl Magic - and it is a nightmare.

The result is an insane number of stores with countless of them being only able to provide just ONE part from this 5000+ part list. And that means that I have a result of paying for the spares according to BO almost 700€ (which isn't that bad actually concidering the amount of spares). But the transportation costs in comparison were 1K €...

Now, there would be no one in their mind who would pay so much for transportation of few kilograms of pieces... And now, if I want to continue, I must start un-ticking the checkboxes one-by-one to exclude those one piece stores from the list. I did so for an hour and I've saved around 200€ already by only paying 15€ extra for the spares... And I still have a long way to go to get those 1-3 part sellers out of this list - which is getting really boring really fast (if you concider 1h fast :D)

Wouldn't it be wise to add some filtering option to this Brick Owl Magic to:
1. Set a minimum part count limit for a store to sell in order to stay in the BOM (Brick Owl Magic) list?
2. Exclude shops that don't have a shipping option available at all?
3. Force the favourite shops to stay on the BOM list?
4. Exclusevly have favourite stores on the BOM list?
5. Exclude stores where "Order minimum" and/or "Lot average" is not reached?
6. Exclude stores where shipping costs are "Quote only"?

If those above things could be implemented, then that would already make life SO MUCH easier... At the moment I plan to finalize my ultimate build around September or so and if I really should start to buy those missing parts, then right now it would seem like a PITA to use BOM.

PS! During typing this topic I was also un-ticking those few part stores one-by-one and with this time I have saved almost 250€ and paying 25€ extra compared to the initial BOM result.

With regards,


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It sounds like you might have used the "select all" box, generally that will provide a bad experience and is more for resetting the selections. The wishlist magic tool requires the user to manually choose stores, it doesnt automatically choose stores.

    The catalog cart takes account of shipping and minimum orders etc, thats more automated, but only works on smaller amounts of lots
  • Yes, I did use the select all box and I did it intentionally to get the cheapest parts since the condition of the parts is taken into account, so it is good to get to know the cheapest options. And when I would just choose the stores with the widest selection, then again the price of the parts would be more than double (615€ versus 1400€). So I'd like to choose from the cheapest stores concidering my condition requirements. Let the user decide, which way to go. And that would give smaller shops/sellers also a chance who would have at least some coverage (not those 1 part stores, but someone, who might actually have 10-30 parts that I need). Otherwise it quite renders the price point quite useless and it wouldn't make much sense to even lower the prices of the spares, if they are competing against stores/sellers, who have 100+k parts to choose and sell from.
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