Tracking number versus carrier

I live in Belgium. When adding a Tracking ID to an order, BO automatically adds the link to the tracking feature on the national postal services (bPost).
But I often use other carriers and sometimes even ship from The Netherlands (I live close to the border, where for some countries it's more economic to use PostNL). When enter a tracking ID for PostNL, BO thinks it's a bPost one (which it isn't). So the logic to determine which carrier is used for which (type of) tracking code, might need some justifications.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Your shipping method allows you to say which courier it applies to. I think there's a neutral option like 'other' if a shopping method can apply to different ones.
  • Aha, I see. Thanks for pointing that.
    The thing is now: I have a shipping method ("Parcel with tracking") where the carrier can be different based on country. Like for Germany, I use DPD. But for France it's GLS (just as an example).
    I understand I can create different shipping methods ("Parcel with tracking - DPD", "Parcel with tracking - GLS", and so on), but it would become quite cumbersome to manage. I think the buyer is mostly interested in "Parcel with tracking" regardless of the carrier I choose.

    So, it would be handy to be able to select/overrule the carrier when entering the tracking ID on the order.
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