You Built It; Now Will They Come?

edited July 2013 in General Vote Up2Vote Down
Now that we have this great new LEGO buying and selling venue with 250+ stores, how can we pull in more buyers?

What does BO plan to do to bring in more buyers? And what can we as individual sellers do to bring in more buyers? Not just existing BL buyers or hard-core AFOLs. But casual mom and pop buyers looking to buy LEGO for their kids and grandparents looking to buy birthday presents for their LEGO-loving grandkids. You know... REGULAR NORMAL people. Not us AFOL geeks and brick addicts. :)



  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I noticed something when it came to advertising. I was in several Lego Stores and I noticed when people asked for parts or items that could not be found in stores the employes would recommend BL. I say we get to those stores in our area and let them know there is a new guy in town and get them to recommend "The Owl".

    I think word of mouth does a lot, also places on the web such as Facebook and Twitter would be a good start I also plan to post this to Google Plus!
  • I think a grassroots referral incentive is a nice way to get people to advert for a business cheaply.

    Facebook deals, promotions, social media presence....all a must.
  • Well, is this site ready to be localized? Translated to other languages than English?
  • edited July 2013 Vote Up0Vote Down
    @pryb yes, it does support localisation and is certainly something we will implement

    Will work more on attracting buyers once I feel we have a more solid base to work from.

    Word-of-mouth is something I will definitely help, that is how BrickLink got to where it is.

    Bear in mind, you don't have to tell people "go to" you can say "go to" and send people right your store. Soon enough you should even be to just Google your store name and have your storefront come up.
  • :D you can also now add the Facebook link for your store in your store settings
  • Soon enough you should even be to just Google your store name and have your storefront come up.
    Started for me, that is awesome! Thank you.
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