Please add search options to "comes in" view

It would be nice to sort the results of "comes in" by other parameters than qty - i.e. year released (esp recent first) and maybe themes, when I come up short on parts I go looking thru what sets I have on hand that I may be able to get them from rather than telling customer "sorry I don't have them"

I go to quite extreme lengths to fulfill my orders - yesterday it was 3 sets for 17parts in 1 lot - I believe my errors are still coming up after the BL hacking - I haven't had time to go thru and count every part with a stock check! again

Right before the hacking I had done just that so I know 100% my inventory was accurate prior to the attack!



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • edited February 2014 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Plus one. I don't even use the Comes In screen because I can't find anything, especially if a part comes in a lot of different sets.

    @Graham As a stop gap, you can always just search the page using your browser (CTRL+F) for recent years.

    Also, it just occurred to me that a good practice for inventory auditing might be to audit one or two bins per week until you're through the whole inventory. Not sure how that would play out with a store your size, but just an idea.
  • The comes in page now has filtering and sorting on all the columns
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