Active carts are people browsing your store with items in their basket (think people walking around a supermarket). They can then go on to purchase, or 'put things back on the shelf'. Just as no-one in a supermarket follows you around to work out what you're buying you can't do it here either. It's an idea of busy-ness, really.
@brickos...Pre-packing an order that has not been paid for is never a good idea. I'm going to make up a number and say at least 75% of carts never make it to an order.
I think the main reason you cannot view carts is because of those few not-so-good sellers who would use that information to increase the prices for the parts before the buyer purchased them.
That might be an issues in deed @tons_of_bricks but my request was more anticipating a possible order. I’m not selling part, just sets, but I see the challenges of such feature.
@leopard37, I'm not sure I understand what you mean (mea culpa)... do you mean how it is helpful if the content adds are bringing in new people to search? If so, that's still a win...?