Binding Items??

Is there anything in the works for binding items. IE if you purchase this you must purchase this as well..

I have a few items that I wish to sell as a grouping but I am not sure how I lest them on here. If there are no provisions for this yet may I suggest that it be something that you could create in the inventory under maybe a collections area allowing you to bind certain parts or sets from your inventory and then when the items are listed on the set or inventory items pages that they be listed below the main for sale listings as collection listing which show the set + the other sets or parts (by number and link, or picture and link) in the collection with the total price for all sets/perts in the collection.



  • 13 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What kind of items would you be wanting to bind? The main use seems to be for a complete set of collectable mini figures, I wonder whether a custom set would fulfil that need.
  • Yes, but then people would have no means to see it other than going into your store. Other examples can be right & left wedges, window & glass, etc.
  • No, custom set, as in, in the catalogue, not something that is only available in your store and no other store, something that any store could list.

    Things like left and right wedges will be linked up later so it is easier to find the opposite part.
  • Also minifigures with accessories.
  • I still have my energy display I would like to link to the battery.

    It sold again without the battery, but it was IBAN and the buyer ended up not paying, so good in a way but again it almost sold independently.

    On the combining of wedges and such, for many people I don't think it's about the customer finding the other half as much as people not wanting 20 right wedges sold with only left remaining in inventory.

    The technic small turntable a great example, there is no assembly, (I guess that could be done here?) and having a bunch of one without the other is not what many want to achieve with their stock.
  • Another would be cannon and base combined - I got stuck with bases so have not listed the cannons I have at the moment.

    Also like a pair - as in both sides of the globe, or windows with left/right designs that really have little value alone.
    Handtruck with wheels…
    Window with glass

    and lastly wheel/tire combo's
  • Seeing as several wheels will hold several different tires, this could become a Fibonacci list quickly. Check this incomplete list:

    BL has 155 "official" combinations listed. I'm willing to bit a couple are missing. What happens when you include perfectly possible yet unofficial combos?

  • Seeing as several wheels will hold several different tires, this could become a Fibonacci list quickly.

    Exactly. Which is why it would be nice to bind things in our stores without having to make a catalog submission.

  • I would support this as I can see value in the BL 'super lots' method of grouping several sets of a similar theme/collection together.
  • I sort of lost track of responding to this but My use is to combine sets I would like to sell together such as a winter set group lot, or an Architecture group lot, Maybe something like a data fe train set. Sort of like lego does with their KA part numbers but Binding would allow each individual the ability to make their own sets.. My only issue would be that these should be listed differently in the Price Guide (maybe have an exclusion selectable on the price guide) and Sales sheets (maybe below the single item sales). On the other sites I have seen people make a very in demand item really low cost to get high on the sales lists but then the rest of the bound items are really high prices messing up price guide information. There are of course Left-Right binds, male-female binds, tire-wheel binds.. There are a lot of things that sellers might like to combine to force a sale of the items as a unit.

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