I just loaded inventory via API and now I need to convert BOID to Lego ID's. Could you let me know the options to retrieve this data?
Also I will need to color conversions. Is there a ready made code snippets available for this?
Feel free to install my InSpaceSync app, the tools are free to use (only FullSync mode is a paid service). It can convert from BrickOwl to BSX with a single command, and will show you any convertion issues.
If you want to do it yourself because coding is incredibly fun, go for it
ID Lookup
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/id_lookup
Retrieve the possible BOIDs for another ID such as a set number or design ID
- This lets you lookup IDs for BOIDs.
Color List
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/color_list
Retrieve a list of the colors
- This list contains the color IDs
I'll have a look to your app.
Yes, coding is fun till finding serious problems :-)
Should BO admin turn this on to access ID Lookup's?
"Access Brick Owl Catalog"