someone has a vendetta against me

For no reason at all, there is a particular store which has taken to pricing A LOT of pieces 1/10th of a penny below mine. I do not use monthly averages, and it's not the usual undercutting of 99 cents on a dollar. These are all common parts that are less that 25cents each. And there are dozens and dozens of instances of this person doing this, that it can't be coincidence. Does BrickOwl have anything in their terms against this behavior? Has anyone else here experienced this sort of thing? Thanks.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Some sellers set their pricing automatically. Using the API, bespoke software and other tools, it's entirely possible that the seller in question has simply set up to be the cheapest vendor in your country. Bear in mind that pricing isn't the only variable when it comes to buyers choosing a store; variety of parts, volume, shipping speed, existing feedback.... lots of things drive sales, not just price.
  • It could also just happen to be how they're pricing as a standard in your country. For example, I price mine to display roughly halfway through all US sellers of the part. I see a few other folks do that also, as I tend to see their store names a lot on the parts following a similar strategy. ;-)
  • I know you mention not using averages, but wouldn't you always be using an average when doing a new part-out? It is highly, highly unlikely a store is targeting you, especially on parts (I could see maybe... sets? But even then, nobody is "targetting" a store, they're just trying to sell their product and when they're pricing, they aren't checking the other listings - nobody has time to do that for each part).

    What is more likely is that this is a much larger store that has pricing similar to yours, and they are likely using the average on listing, which constantly trends downwards. Say Canada First for example - they're just massive and always uploading, and I think they're always right on the dot for the 6mth avg. So as they constantly upload, it's common for their price to be *just* under yours if you had uploaded recently, but they had uploaded a part even more recently. Many store also do constant repricing because as mentioned, the averages on common parts always trend downwards. I'm a lazy store, so I think I've only repriced once in the last 18 months lol But many will do it at least once a month, which can make it more common to see those fractions of a penny.
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