Hi Folks! Based on another post, I just realized some folks may be using my shared shipping bands... if so, PLEASE read this.

1. I modified them all last week for the new USPS 2022 Holiday Rates.
2. I heavily modified the PARCEL GROUND shipping band, as follows, to accommodate USPS's newer special size rates:
a. I modified the core Parcel Ground shipping bound to MAX at 22" (really 20.8, I think, to accommodate packaging). I actually did this a few months ago, sorry!
b. I added a NEW Parcel Ground shipping band to cover 20.8 - 28.8" items (adds the $4 surchage for boxes 22-30"
c. No Parcel band of mine covers items longer than 28.8" (at 30" adds a USPS $15 surcharge!), forcing REQUEST A QUOTE on customers

If you use my Parcel Ground band, please also add the new shared band for for those less than 30" items. If you do not want to force a request a quote for bigger things, you can take any of those Parcel Ground bands, change the dimensions to USPS's maximum size allowed, and add $15 to each zone/weight cost. For me, I want to quote those and see if I can get a better deal at UPS, FedEx, etc.
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