Helped need - Brickstore/Bricksync

I made a stupid error, looking for easiest way to fix.

I use Brickstore to set remarks on sets parted out and then upload to BL, after BLMASTER ON for Bricksync, then BLMASTER OFF after the upload. This works perfectly.

The problem I have created is that I was working with over 300 lots in the Brickstore file and I had filled in remarks on about half and uploaded them as described above - all good so far. A few days pass I forgot I had uploaded the file and continued adding remarks for the remaining lots. Only discovered the error when I went to upload.

So the current status is that the is no error on BL or here, but I don't know which of the 300 lots were uploaded already and which were not. Is there a log file in Brickstore or Bricksync that can help me.

Any assistance appreciated.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This should not be to hard :)
    In \data\logs (in de BS folder) BS keeps logs (per day) of everything happening. So there in the log for the day you uploaded the file toy should find all items uploaded. But not the easy route.

    There is also a data\backups folder. Every time BS makes changes a backup of the current inventory is saved before changes are made.
    So go look for the file that was created the day and time you did the upload. Take that and the next one, open both in Brickstore, substract the first one from the later one and that should be all items that you uploaded.
    Next you can substract those items from your upload file and you should be left with the items not already uploaded.
  • Excellent, thank you @BasKie.

    Now to be more careful in future :-)
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