Claims from customer on part of order not recieved

Hello all,
I recently had a claim from a Canadian customer claiming he only recieved one of the three items ordered. I know I put all three pieces in the box, they were electronic pieces (so not cheap). I have since sent a refund, but my gut tells me, it is a false claim. Please advise any thoughts, as I am new to this and wondering if this happens often.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Under the 'More Actions' menu from the order page, use the report an issue option to let BO know that the buyer claims not to have received their order. This then lets future sellers know that this buyer may be a problem.

    From your point of view there's not a lot you can do about this particular order. In my experience problem buyers are very rare, particularly on BO, but you can choose to protect yourself going forward in several ways. You can set a value limit on your orders so that if one goes missing/gets damaged, you're only out a little rather than a lot. You may be able to purchase an insurance policy that covers claims like this, and some sellers take images of the items being packed before they go in the box, some even video record the whole thing. Then if a claim is raised they have some way to counter, though it doesn't guarantee PayPal will listen.

    There are other ways too but sometimes a bad buyer is just that - a single bad buyer. Hopefully you won't see another for quite a while.
  • Thanks for your help.
  • This is incredibly difficult... did you ask if there was box damage (some non-nefarious explanation for the missing parts), since you distinctly remember putting them into the box? Are they a buyer with multiple positive feedbacks? If you're confident of these things, then Hoddie definitely gave you the best advice. I'm not 100% sure I would have refunded them tho if no box damage was claimed and I was absolutely sure I had included them... I guess it's case-by-case as is everything, and I'm truly very sorry you've run into that thankfully rare bad buyer. :-(
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