Change Block to Hide

Replace “Block Customer” to “Hide from Customer”. Blocking a customer could potentially generate bad feelings in a buyer which in turn raises the possibility of an unjustified poor review of a store.

Changing to “Hide from Customer” the customer will now longer see a particular store. It will seem it no longer exists, so preventing the possibility of an unjustified poor review of a store.

A customer will still have the option to contact Brick Owl should they feel they have an issue.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Blocking a customer just to avoid a negative feedback seems disingenuous. No matter how we choose to avoid the bad actors in the future (and I upvoted your idea), any customer who placed an order in a store should always have access to that order history, including the right to leave feedback if they haven't done so already.
  • Agree with @Oldfan , otherwise I agree.
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