Hi All,
I am pretty new to selling on Brick owl and have, I think got my head around most things. However I cannot seem to add more the the one shipping method, clearly I am doing something wrong, it’s driving me crazy🙄.
I have enabled 3 different options for large letter, small parcel and request a quote but when I look at my shop compared to others it only shows the letter post option at £1.85. This is becoming a problem as I have had a couple of items too large to go via this method.
It it better to go by weight as I am doing or the order value total.
Also is it normal to not be left feedback by a buyer or even have the buyer mark as received? As a buyer I leave feedback as soon as I unpack my delivery……?
As far as feedback is concerned, don't sweat it; here on BO you'll find between 20-30% of your orders will receive feedback or acknowledgment of delivery. I take the approach that a customer will contact me if there's any issues, otherwise it's all good!