Why does the Post Office close when it snows?

edited February 2014 in General Vote Up0Vote Down
Really why?

We had maybe 5-6 inches of snow, the roads are passable, minor roads carefully, major roads are completely clear.
EVERY other business is open, yet ALL the post offices arround here are closed.

Considering that so many depend on this "service" for a living…


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Funny. Even on the Emergency days up here the only thing open WAS the post office. I'm guessing it is just your locale. 12 inches of snow in a day and -45 degree windchill and they didn't even think of shutting down...even got my mail on time every day.
  • Local postmaster makes the call, is my guess. Risking injury or death of a worker, vs somebody not making some money that day, it's easy to see how that decision gets made. Around here, the post office doesn't close often but lots of places close when there is snow.

    But even if the public desks are closed, the back of house is probably still moving mail, at least in some locations. So dropping packages inside is likely still a productive use of time. Sometimes you can say 'hello' through the mail slot and get an update on status, too.

    PS- 70F and sunny here in Colorado!
  • We had 3 days of snow and delivery every day. I didn't need to check the retail locations since I print my labels online...
  • They don't close here either
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