Part Out Suggestions

I have a few suggestions for the Part Out workflow.

1. Add a second tier for Default Price. For example, if I set my default prices to the 6 month average, there may not be any sales data. In that instance, it would be helpful to have a second default to fill in the holes, like current average. If not an automated process, it would also be helpful to be able to see some pricing info on the part out screen without having to look it up manually in a different window.

2. Provide an option to download a CSV file of the inventory of a set, including images and default prices. Inventory management is so much easier offline, and then we could upload the CSV (an option which would also have to be added). If the download file included lot numbers for existing lots, the upload option could use those to match up lots. (This would also be a much easier way to edit set inventories.)

3. If a set does not have any extra parts listed, add a message to the top of the part out screen to indicate that. Something like "No extra parts are included in the inventory for this set." This would be useful for sellers to know, and also might prompt users to go ahead and add the extra parts to the inventory.


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