Is it just me, or is the search function on brickowl really bad ?
I have been wanting to ask about this for some time now, but also wondering if it was just me who are bad at searching :-)
But a simple search for a 2x6 plate should be fairly easy to search for. But what i get is so much more of anything else really. So much that i need to click on the menu to the left to make the search area smaller, and even then i get a lot of other bricks than a 2x6
My result is at the second to last bottom row - a 2x6 brick plate.
So with this, is there any way to make the search function for the site better ?
And do others have the same "problem" or noticed this!
one trick is using "" in the search for the dimension. For example search "2x6" plate and the first result are only 30 items.
Maybe this helps a little bit.
Thank you. That might have done the trick. I had it on name as "default"
But when i switched it to default, the search is much better :-D